In 1983 we started the Grand Junction Rescue Mission in an old building on 7th st with 25.00 and did not know one person in the valley. God had a plan, and we followed the plan; we were supposed to go to Colorado Springs but hit a deer just outside of Salida Ut, and the rest is history. We were at that location until 1985, and we had a gift of 51000.000 given to us, and we bought the building on 550 South Ave and turned that into the second mission building. Then in 1999, we had a flood and had to take the mission down; we had no money for the rebuild, but God supplied the need; as they were taking the old mission down, a man called and said he wanted to help and gave us 10,000.00, and we had bought some property out in whitewater, and we bought it for 20,000.00 and sold it for 45000.00, and we had a house given to us on Colorado St., and we sold that for 48,000.00 when we finished the mission we owed 57700.00, and we put out a newsletter and put the need in the letter and about a week later my wife went to the post office and when she got to the mission we opened up the checks and the last check was for 60,000.00, and we paid the mission off praise, God. Folks, God supplied all and every need we ever had, and I can’t thank him enough. We stayed in that location for forty years; we have done a lot in those years; we served over four million meals, slept thousands of men and women, helped thousands, and never took a dime from United Way or the Government, we could have, but the reason we did not was they would not let us preach the gospel or have bible studies, and we had to accept homosexuals, and I could not do that. I had some homosexuals come through the mission, and as long as they behaved, they could stay (they need the Lord also). Connie, my wife cut hair for the men on the street for over 30 years; she was and is the best help mate a man could ask for in the work that God called me into. I could tell you stories about the men who passed our way, but it would take a lot of time, but I will tell one, Fred, who was a black man who came to the mission one day a 6’ 3” man, and I asked him why he came to the mission, and he told me he drove his Cadillac into a ditch and wanted to stay with us he ended up staying 10 years he was the best candle salesman I ever had yes we made and sold candles we sold over 400,000.00 dollars worth, and that kept the mission going until we got on our feet and he died of cancer while staying at the mission. Jumping ahead a little, we started a tree service called R&M tree service and used the money that we made to help run the mission and about six years ago, a tree snapped back and hit my leg, and I ended up in the hospital for three months and almost lost my leg, I was in a wheelchair for a long time and thought I would lose the leg, but God is still in the healing business, and I’m walking on that leg today, but I could no longer do what I did, and last year we sold the mission and the shelter and in Sept started Christ Chapel in Clifton we are running about half full, and we can seat 50 and a lot of people who come have never been in church before and this I praise God for. For 17 years, we took men on probation from prison. These men were sex offenders, and we took over 1000 men and had no trouble. They could go to church with us, and a lot of the men will never get in trouble again. I lost some support because I took these men, but am I sorry NO Jesus said whosoever may come, and that means the worse and the best may come.
God had a plan and we followed the plan
Keith Bradley

You may have troubles and cares, you may suffer from anger, pain, frustration, and hurt, and you don’t know which way to turn to give your life over to Christ. He died on a cross for your sins. He shed his blood so we could be forgiven and set free, and you can start a new life with Christ at the head of your temple(body) and start fresh with Christ living in you. I will have more to say at a later time, but I have to close now. I pray God will supply all your needs and heal all you need healing in Jesus’ name.
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